Situated in the heart of Kaseeta Village in Masaka District, Kaseeta Primary School serves as a vital educational institution for children from one of the more underserved rural areas in Uganda. The school provides a space for learning and growth, yet students face persistent health challenges that often hinder their ability to attend school regularly and perform well academically. Intestinal worm infections are widespread, impacting children’s energy levels and cognitive development, while girls, in particular, struggle with school attendance due to a lack of menstrual hygiene products.
Through the Deworming Project, students at Kaseeta Primary School will receive regular deworming treatments, reducing the prevalence of worm-related illnesses and enhancing their physical and mental well-being. Additionally, the MACFO Pads Project will bring a new level of menstrual hygiene support to the school, providing reusable sanitary pads and crucial education on menstrual health. This will ensure that girls no longer miss out on their education due to menstruation, helping to break down barriers to their academic success and empowering them to take charge of their health and future.
- Oct 11 2024
Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Oct 11 2024
- Time: All Day
DRK OV Dreis-Tiefenbach e.V
Go Volunteer Africa